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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Computers, Tablets, and Smart Phones: The Truth About Web-based Surveys
Source Survey Practice, 8, 6
Year 2016
Access date 21.01.2016
Full text pdf (564 KB)

The exponential increase of smart phone, tablet, and laptop use places the topic of web-based surveys at the center of survey methodology discussions. As individuals now have a variety of options for taking online surveys, researchers must understand who completes their surveys through which device as it may impact completion rates and data quality.The analysis of two national online surveys (n=487 and n=1,046) revealed that individuals utilizing smart phones to complete the studies were significantly younger than those accessing surveys through computers, while only one study indicated a significant gender difference with females using smart phones more than males. Additionally, data showed that the respondent’s level of education did not significantly differ by device used to take the surveys.


Year of publication2015
Bibliographic typeJournal article

Web survey bibliography (431)
